

All, Moving toward SDGs

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All, Moving toward SDGs
Dr. Nima Asgari
,Acting WHO Representative to Thailand

Aug, 3rd 2016
Miracle Grand Convention Hotel
• The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development indicates a new era for global public health, offering the opportunity to strive for an integrated approach of all three dimensions of sustainable development – namely economic, social and environmental. Many of the goals impact one another and are interrelated and interdependent. Health, however, has a central place as a major contributor and beneficiary of the sustainable development policies across the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
• This is a significant paradigm shift that health is no longer responsible only for Goal 3 but also contributes to and is influenced by other development goals. In response to Goal 1: "end poverty in all its forms everywhere”, WHO leadership in universal health coverage can prevent economic catastrophe and alleviate poverty due to health-care expenditure. Health and well-being of populations are interdependent in many of the goals, particularly Goals 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 13. Thus, the 17 Goals show that health outcomes can be achieved through multi-sectoral actions and synergy among different goals. To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, the health sector needs to understand and collaborate with other sectors to achieve mutual goals for development. 
• Addressing the SDGs and achieving health for all will require policy responses across governments, at all levels of government to achieve mutual goals. The whole of government and community approach has been mentioned since 2011 in the UN Declaration. The 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion in Helsinki in 2013 and the 66th World Health Assembly resolution WHA 66.10 recommended implementation of the "health in all policies” approach to address these complex health issues. Responses to transnational threats to health may also require new forms of global governance through multilateral institutions. When these conditions are in place, they can provide the foundations for both sustainable development and improvements in health and equity.


• The effective application of health promotion concepts, models and practical strategies has the potential not only to contribute hugely to the attainment of the SDG 3 Health Goal, but to achieve progress across the wide range of SDGs, and synergize multi-sectoral actions for mutual health and other development goals. 



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